Arlington Heights curb appeal

5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Curb Appeal

You can easily add value to a home and increase your enjoyment of it with simple outdoor projects that increase curb appeal. Adding to a home’s curb appeal doesn’t take a lot of effort. These five simple projects can instantly increase the beautiful view of a home and its resale value. According to the “Remodeling Impact Report: Outdoor Features from the National Association of REALTORS” landscaping projects provide a greater impact on re-sale value than most indoor projects.

Add or Redo Basic Landscaping

You don’t need to completely redo your yard. Adding a few basics does the trick. Install a flagstone walkway that winds through the yard. Plant a few flowering shrubs and a deciduous tree that’s at least 15 feet in height. Sprinkle quality mulch in garden planted areas. Place a large stone planter on either side of the front door. Large means about six feet in diameter by two feet high. The cost of this project varies by location, but the median US cost is $5,000. It adds $4,000 to the home’s re-sale value though, so you recoup most of the expense.

Invest in Tree Care

Consider caring for your trees a long-term investment with a guaranteed return. In fact, tree care results in a 100 percent return on invest (ROI) at resale. Pay a professional to remove dying or dead trees and care for the healthy ones. The cost for tree removal, plus fertilizing and pruning the healthy plantings runs about $2,000. According to the NAR report, the homeowner gets this all back at re-sale. There are significant immediate benefits, too. Placing three healthy trees in the right yard location translates to cooling and heating cost savings of about $250 annually, says the US Department of Energy.

Clean Gutters and Replace Broken Gutters

Clean the home’s gutters by clearing out dirt, limbs and debris. Scrub the outside of the gutters. Re-paint them to make them look new. Repair or replace any broken gutters immediately. It doesn’t just improve the home’s looks. It helps protect it. Gutters capture and divert rainwater and other precipitation off of the home’s roof and into the yard. Call a professional to deal with gutters needing repair or replacement.

Spiff Up The Front Entryway

Choose a color and a dry day with low pollen levels to re-paint the front door. A bright color that complements the main house color costs only a few hours of your time, a can of paint and a paint roller or brush. If you skipped the container garden suggested above on either side of the door, then hang a plant next to the front door to make an impact. Replace existing house numbers with those matching your door hardware. Pick an unusual design or place a custom plaque in the front yard instead. Replace outdated exterior light fixtures with modern designs. Provide the entry balance by placing a fixture on either side of the doorway. Finally, once the door paint dries, deck it out with a wreath or door swag. Choose a wreath preserved or dried flowers and other natural elements. The total project costs less than $200.

Build a Deck

Add a deck to the home. Again, the design chosen, and location makes a difference in costs, but on average, a deck costs about $10,000. You’ll recoup 80 percent of that cost at re-sale, plus gain additional enjoyment from your yard.

There’s no need to complete every project on the list immediately. Choose one and watch the reactions to your first improvement. You might even see the neighbors copying your great idea. Contact Borders Construction for help getting started on these and other home improvement projects.